Nathan Benefield

Nathan Benefield

Senior Vice President

Nathan (Nate) Benefield is the Senior Vice President at the Commonwealth Foundation.

An Ohio native, Nate holds an undergraduate degree in political science and economics and a master’s degree in public service management from DePaul University in Chicago. He also completed his doctoral studies (ABD) in political science at Loyola University, also in Chicago.

Nate joined the Commonwealth Foundation in 2005. Now as senior vice president, he provides strategic leadership as well as operational oversight spanning policy analysis, government relations, marketing, and communications.

Nate has researched and written extensively on public policy issues including the state budget, public sector labor reform, government spending and taxes, liquor privatization, education, and economic development. Under Nate’s policy leadership, the Commonwealth Foundation’s work on public sector pension law helped drive the bipartisan pension reform of 2017, heralded by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post as an example for other states to follow.

Nate has testified numerous times before state legislative committees and is often called upon by legislators and members of the media to provide expertise. He is a frequent commentator on both television and radio, and his writings have appeared across the state and nationally in outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, and Weekly Standard.

Nate’s favorite rock song and personal motto are both “Don’t Stop Believin.”

Local Pensions in Trouble Too

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2007

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article on the trouble with Pittsburgh’s municipal pension plan, and other local plans. Many municipalities are looking for state aid, even while the state pension plans are…


Read More: Local Pensions in Trouble Too

End PSAs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2007

John Baer on taxpayer spending on lawmakers “Public Service Announcements” in the Philadelphia Daily News.


Read More: End PSAs

More PHEAA Coverage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2007

More media coverage of the outrageous expenses of PHEAA, the Governor’s call to “clean house,” and the suggestion (raised by the Commonwealth Foundation) that PHEAA be privatized: – Mario…


Read More: More PHEAA Coverage

Is Rendell Cutting Taxes?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2007

Brett Lieberman of the Patriot News has an intriguing back and forth between myself and Governor Rendell and Budget Secretary Michael Masch on their tax plan. Despite a massive…


Read More: Is Rendell Cutting Taxes?

Yes, Profits Matter

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2007

Investor’s Business Daily editorial on oil profits: Profits drive discovery and productivity in every industry, but particularly in the capital-intensive energy sector. The seismic and satellite technologies now…


Read More: Yes, Profits Matter

Swearing-in Parties

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2007

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review articles reviews legislator expenses for their swearing-in day parties, including who charged the meals to taxpayers, and who didn’t: “Rep. Jim Marshall, R-Beaver County, said he bought…


Read More: Swearing-in Parties

PHEAA ‘housecleaning’ urged

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2007

Governor Rendell is now agreeing that PHEAA needs to “clean house”, as the Patriot News Reports. It will be interesting to see what he proposes, and whether he thinks…


Read More: PHEAA ‘housecleaning’ urged

Lawmakers doubt Rendellconomics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2007

Apparently, neither state Senators (see coverage by KYW NewsRadio) nor state Representatives (story in the Post-Gazette) believe Gov. Rendell has found a magic tax which will only tax…


Read More: Lawmakers doubt Rendellconomics

GOP Protectionists

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2007

Jack Kemp on free trade and the so-called “conservative protectionists” in today’s Wall Street Journal.


Read More: GOP Protectionists

PHEAA’s use of state plane saves money, CEO claims

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2007

Dick Willey argued to the Patriot News that using the state plane to fly PHEAA board members (almost all of whom are state legislators) to retreats across the US…


Read More: PHEAA’s use of state plane saves money, CEO claims

Socialized pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2007

Richard Rowland of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees illustrates just how wrong-headed Governor Rendell’s “Cover All Pennsylvanians” is, in a Patriot News Editorial. Rowland argues that not only…


Read More: Socialized pensions

Mandating Health Care?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2007

A debate on making health insurance mandatory, from the Des Moines Register. Jack Hatch, a state senator from Iowa, takes the “pro” position, Michael Tanner of Cato the “con”,…


Read More: Mandating Health Care?

Turnpike Politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 4, 2007

Post-Gazette article examines some of the patronage jobs handed out under the Turnpike Commission.


Read More: Turnpike Politics

Legislative Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 4, 2007

Tribune Review article looks at the overall growth in the PA General Assembly’s budget, and the improvement of amenities for lawmakers. The Herald Standard points out that many…


Read More: Legislative Spending

No more lawmaker graft?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 2, 2007

Speaker O’Brien wants to end funding of members’ non-profits, the Post-Gazette reports. The opening line says it all: Legislators would no longer be able to quietly steer tax dollars…


Read More: No more lawmaker graft?

Selective School Choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 2, 2007

Clint Bolick Commentary in today’s WSJ on how the leading Democrat contenders think school choice should be limited to the rich (i.e. themselves).


Read More: Selective School Choice

Spending Limits & the Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 1, 2007

Budget Secretary Michael Masch had some interesting comments about government spending and the proposed Taxpayer Protection Act during yesterday’s Appropriation Committee hearing, courtesy of PLS Committee Summary (subscription):…


Read More: Spending Limits & the Budget

PHEAA reveals spending records

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 1, 2007

After a lengthy legal battle, the Patriot News finally got some financial records from PHEAA, a state agency which had claimed to be exempt from open records laws. Though…


Read More: PHEAA reveals spending records

Payoff to Big Labor

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 28, 2007

Rep. John Boehner on the union-led efforts to pass legislation that eliminate secret-ballot elections to unionize. Boehner misses the point when he compares union leaders to Hugo Chavez and…


Read More: Payoff to Big Labor