The public school monopoly hates competition
First, no charter school exists without the permission of a public school district. It is akin to making K-Mart ask Wal-Mart if it locate a store down the road. That’s hardly “competition.” Second, when K-Mart starts doing well, and Wal-Mart is losing customers, Wal-Mart begins to do whatever it can — with the power of governemnt — to shut down K-Mart.
This story in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review shows just how much the government school monopoly hates competition … even when the competition is coming from one of their own — a public school district with an innovative superintendent.
The PSEA/PSBA cartel will likely succeed (at least in part) in its jihad against educational alternatives such as cyber charter schools. The reason is twofold: 1) Parents with children who are benefitting from these schools are not an organized lobby, nor do they contribute financially to politicians; and 2) The union/school board lobby is both powerful, well-funded through taxpayer dollars (albeit indirectly), and the committee chairmen in both the House and Senate (Republic and Democrat alike) are union/public school monopoly apologists.