City Slickers #1 and #2
Office of the Lieutenant Governor: Lt. Governor buys state’s number 2 fishing license.
Engourages residents and visitors to enjoy pa’s waterways
HARRISBURG — Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll today purchased the Number 2 resident state fishing license for 2006 from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. The state agency is hosting a booth at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show at the state’s Farm Show Complex this week.
The Number 1 license is reserved for Governor Edward G. Rendell.
“Good fishing is just a short cast away. In fact, in Pennsylvania, you are never more than 30 minutes away from a great fishing destination,” Lt. Gov. Knoll said, who as a child, often went fishing with her father. “The convenience and quality of our waters contribute to more than 18 million fishing trips being taken in the commonwealth each year.”
Pennsylvania has 83,000 miles of rivers and streams and more than 4,000 lakes and ponds popular for catching trout, bass, walleye, muskellunge, perch and catfish.
The resident annual fishing licenses, required for anglers 16 years or older, are valid for one year. Proceeds from their sale go directly to paying for the programs, that anglers have come to expect, including fish stocking, habitat improvement, law enforcement and education. No tax dollars are used.
A basic annual fishing license for a resident of Pennsylvania is $22 and allows an angler to fish in inland commonwealth waters.
Contact: Johnna A. Pro, (717) 783-4290