How late will the budget be this year?
With the debate over furloughs heating up (also see here), House Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans announced that the House will begin debating the budget the week of June 23.
While many commentators have pointed out that the budget has never been enacted on time under Governor Rendell, it has been passed by the House prior to the end of May each of those years.
- 2007: Passed House: May 23, Signed by Gov: July 17
- 2006: Passed House: April 4, Signed by Gov: July 2
- 2005: Passed House: April 13, Signed by Gov: July 7
- 2004: Passed House: May 11, Signed by Gov: July 4
- 2003: Passed House: March 6, Signed by Gov (with line item veto of Education): March 25. Supplemental (real budget)–Passed House: October 20, Signed by Gov: December 23
So, if non-government-run gambling were legal (and someone were offering odds), I’d take the over.