More on the Porn Bailout
ABC 27 ran a story interviewing some Harrisburg-area residents (and adult entertainment businesses):
Insiders say adult entertainment is a $13 billion industry and, of course, it does employ people.
“Those people go to the supermarket, they shop, they have children going to school,” said Ben Cox of Harrisburg. “Whether we like the product they sell, it’s not important.”
The arguments in favor of a porn bailout are identical to those for other bailouts, but perhaps this will be enough to illustrate to members of Congress why bailouts for failing business is bad economic policy, and why you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, before more business get in line for their cut.
How can you help? The #dontgo Movement is seeking a slogan for the bailout movement. The winner may get a prize, or just the honor of being most clever in fighting unlimited government with humor.