Is the secret ballot in danger?
As “the first hundred days” starts today, what is in the cards for the Obama administration?
A couple of weeks ago, Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal reported that support the “Employee Free Choice Act” – commonly referred to as “cardcheck”, as it would take away the secret ballot in union elections and replace it with a signing a card – is waning, as many lawmakers who voted for it before would pass, now that it is likely to pass this time.
On the other hand, the SEIU plans to pour millions of union dues into pushing for cardcheck, and unions are launching a major media campaign this month.
Meanwhiles, Governors from 10 states have joined together to oppose card check legislation.
More on Card Check:
- The Manufacturer’s and Business Association has a number of resources on cardcheck.
- Richard Epstein: The Employee Free Choice Act is Unconstitutional
- Heritage Foundation Resources on Card Check
- Editorials Against EFCA
- Center for Union Facts
- Employee Freedom Action Center