PA Business Groups Offer Budget Ideas
A coalition of business association and groups unveiled their recommendations for reforming Pennsylvania’s budget process and improving the business climate:
- Oppose increasing taxes on the job creators, including the Personal Income Tax rate and the Sales and Use Tax.
- Cut spending:
- Evaluate and consolidate cabinet departments
- Evaluate and consolidate other executive agencies and boards
- Evaluate and consolidate or eliminate Legislative commissions and service agencies
- Consolidate the multiple dozens of workforce development/job training programs
- Eliminate the Opportunity Grant program
- The PRIME Initiative report should be used as a roadmap for additional taxpayer savings.
- Empower a “Grace Commission” to address costs.
- Limit General Fund spending growth.
- Limit irresponsible debt.
- Adopt zero-based budgeting.
- Reinstate “sunset” review and termination.
- Conduct performance audits.
The Bulletin has a news story on the Press Conference .