Rendell administration: Commonwealth Foundation is right about government spending
A Capitolwire (subscription) headline reads “DCED acting secretary says little state can do to create jobs,” after a hearing in which Secretary Cornelius notes that “economic development” programs have little effect on job growth, something we have discussed repeatedly.
In the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Governor Rendell admits the $553 million spent on the North Shore Connector was a waste of money, as the funds could have been used elsewhere. Again, we have also noted that the problem in transportation infrastructure isn’t a lack of funding, but misspending of that money, as have others.
So now that the Rendell adminstration is on the same page, will they start following our policy recommendations and cut corporate welfare and reform transporation spending? Will Governor Rendell reject the federal stimulus funds, like some governors are considering, as it won’t help the economy and will only stimulate more government waste?