Tea Party Competition!
Obviously, more than just a handful of Pennsylvanians are fed up with irresponsible fiscal policies – about 1,000 protesters showed up at the Capitol Steps! Thank you for helping us achieve one of our goals for this event: to encourage taxpayers who feel alone in their frustration about the federal and state government’s wasteful spending habits.
Across the country, taxpayers are rallying together to protest the stimulus. Yesterday, the Cincinnati Tea Party drew a large crowd, with an estimated 4,000 in attendance.
An impressive gathering of Ohioans:
Who’s up for some friendly competition? Will you help us get more supporters than the Cincinnati crowd?
Check out our events page as well as the Facebook event for the Harrisburg Tax Day Tea Party, April 15, 2009 at 12 noon on the Capitol Steps. If you can’t make it to Harrisburg, find the rally closest to you.
Need something to make your blood boil? Check out the Commonwealth Foundation’s latest report: Government on a Diet – Spending Tips 2009. It identifies the most egregious misuses of taxpayer dollars – there’s plenty to steam about!