Who is Blogging about the Commonwealth Foundation
A new, hopefully regular, feature on Policy Blog will be a roundup of Commonwealth Foundation citations in the Pennsylvania blogosphere. Here are some blog posts from the past week:
- Gunservatively comments on the recent op-ed by Matt Brouillette and Jake Haulk of the Allegheny Institute on Pennsylvania long-term economic prospects.
- PA WaterCooler quotes us on property tax relief, or the lack thereof.
- BucksRight cites us in noting that Pennsylvanians prefer spending cuts to higher taxes.
- Pro-LifePA quotes a guest commentary on government run health care
- Politics in NEPA blogs about the statement lawmakers are making against raising taxes during a recession.
- Tony Phyrillas highlights lawmakers agreeing that “Yes We Can” balance a budget without a tax increase.
- Capitol Ideas gives us some linkage love.