Lebanon Health Care Town Hall Anything but Un-American
I attended the Patient’s First rally in conjunction to with Arlen Specter’s today’s town hall rally at Harrisburg Area Community College in Lebanon today. The vast majority of the crowd (inside and out) was critical of ObamaCare, and posed tough questions on the current “public optionâ€? health care initiatives being pushed through Congress.
Here are some photos of the crowd outside (along with yesterday’s event).
At 9 am the doors opened, but given the 250 person seating capacity, an estimated 1500 people had to remain outside. With the doors now closed, people rallied outside the event, holding signs that said “Hands off My Healthcare,” “I am the Mob,” “Pelosi and Obama Smell Fishyâ€? and “If We’re ‘Astroturf’ Why Are You Trying to Mow Us?”, and singing “God Bless Americaâ€?.
While some newspapers have tried to paint the rally as hostile or unruly, there were no incidents of violence and only a single outburst from one individual to be reported. Only a handful of people at the rally were in support of Obamacare, holding pre-manufactured signs.
There is another summary of the event and a roundup of thoughts from PA WaterCooler.