Gov. Rendell Expresses Concerns with Net Neutrality
Gov. Rendell recently submitted a Letter to the FCC expressing concerns with proposed Internet regulation known as “Net Neutrality.” This was part of the FCC’s “Open Internet” call (to which regular users too can submit opinions).
But as the leader of a state that needs to promote hundreds of millions of dollars of ongoing investment by private companies to bring our citizens the fastest, most advanced broadband networks, I want to urge you to move with the utmost care.
We need network providers to keep improving networks and competing with each other. Any regulations that might have unintended consequences – that might seriously curtail innovation and investment by network providers [or that may force network provider to raise prices] need to be avoided.
For more on Net Neutrality, check out this brief primer from, and the Internet Freedom Coalition hub (of which the Commonwealth Foundation is a coalition member)