Some Educating Research on Education
I’m a little behind on my reading – hence I am going through two editions of the quarterly journal Education Next. Nonetheless, there are a number of interesting and informative articles in both:
- In The Phony Funding Crisis, Arthur Peng and James Guthrie examine ever-growing spending on K-12 education (with a lack of returns) and increases in staffing even as enrollment stagnates.
- The article Golden Handcuffs looks at the design of defined benefit pension plans, and how they reward teachers for staying longer – but punish those that change jobs mid-career.
- Stuart Buck and Jay Greene underscore The Case for Special Needs Vouchers.
- The Turnaround Fallacy explores why failing schools should be shut down, and successful models should be expanded.
- Elizabeth Cascio ask What Happened When Kindergarten Went Universal? and concludes “not much”.
- The Unknown World of Charter High Schools highlights the success of charters at improving student performance.
- Finally, articles on Philadelphia’s School of the Future and on school vouchers in New Orleans post-Katrina give some very interesting looks at urban education.