Latest PA Budget Update from Sen. Pileggi

PA Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi was the speaker at today’s Press Club in Harrisburg, offering some updates on the budget negotiations, and some comments on the fiscal cliff Pennsylvania is facing and other issues.  Here are some highlights from the Twittering attendees:


  1. PLS
    MyPLS pileggi: no one, including guv, thinks we’ll get $850 million in enhanced fmap
  2. PLS
    MyPLS pileggi: many calls for change are at false taregt. many reforms implemented in senate in recent years
  3. Capitol_Ideas
    Capitol_Ideas pileggi: $4-$5 billion structural deficit by 2011-12. #pabudget
  4. PLS
    MyPLS pileggi interested in working with next guv on limited constitutional convention
  5. Tracie Mauriello
    pgPoliTweets Pileggi: Leaders agreed to overall spend number but cannot agree on individual line items. Talks broke down Sunday. #pabudget
  6. PBC Communication
    PABizCouncil Sen. Dominic Pilegii at Press Club: “Seante will pass a budget by June 30. No decision on any taxes.”
  7. Roxbury News
    roxburynews Pileggi- we agree that a severance tax is needed on #marcellusshale the question is when #pabudget
  8. Capitol_Ideas
    Capitol_Ideas pileggi on @TomCorbett‘s no-tax pledge “i don’t see how he can do it, frankly.” #pabudget

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