Action Alert: Help Stop the Union Pension Bailout
Dear CF Friend,
We’ve just learned that the Pennsylvania House will be returning on Monday for a lame duck session, and will likely vote on a union pension bailout bill (HB 2497).
This power grab defies the mandate delivered on November 2, when voters rejected overspending and passing on debt to our children and grandchildren. This bill does not “save money,” but defers costs, putting taxpayers at greater risk. Moreover, it is unconstitutional in its present form.
Not only that, Governor-elect Tom Corbett supports real pension reform, as do a 50% or more of voters of all parties. The only reason to push this bill is union pressure to get it done under a lame-duck administration.
You can stop this bailout in its tracks by calling your State Representative now.
Click here to look up your Representative’s phone number.
Click here for our PolicyPoints on HB 2497.
In Liberty,
Nate Benefield
Director of Policy Research