Residents Still Moving out of PA
The latest United Van Lines survey continues to show Pennsylvania is a “high outbound state”—meaning more people are renting trucks to move out of Pennsylvania than moving in (HT Tony Phyrillas). In 2010, 55 percent of Pennsylvania moves were residents leaving the commonwealth for other states.
This is merely the continuation of a long trend of Pennsylvania residents fleeing the state—partly to warmer climates, but largely to states with lower taxes, less regulation, and greater job growth.
- From 1993-2008, the state lost a net 196,000 taxpayers (tax returns) who moved to other states in the union. The net loss in personal income these taxpayers took elsewhere was a whopping $10.1 billion.
- Under Governor Rendell (2003-2008) and his constant economic development spending, the bleeding continued with a net loss of 38,000 taxpayers and $2.1 billion in income.