PLCB’s Real Agenda
Last month, we exposed the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board’s alternative to liquor store privatization scheme, which is making headlines today after the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on Tuesday.
These headlines read “LCB proposes changes to stave off privatization“,”Liquor stores want to be more like private businesses” and “LCB wants to be given options other retailers have.”
So on one hand, we have union mouthpiece Wendell Young claiming privately runs stores will cause uncontrollable social ills (which isn’t true), and on the other hand, we have the PLCB CEO Joe Conti telling the legislature “the current state bureaucracy is just very, very difficult for our agency” and asking that the PLCB be allowed to operate more like privateers.
The PLCB’s proposal demonstrates that the opposition to liquor store privatization is simply rooted in a desire to preserve its political power and special monopoly status, not in any concern for Pennsylvania residents.