Inky: PLCB Paradox Puzzling, Primitive
We give a strong hat tip to the Philadelphia Inquirer today for their spot-on editorial blasting the PLCB’s perilous plan promoting perestroika.
Finding absurdity in the new plan to bring vodka to vending machines, the Inky took a look at their lack of popularity and concluded, “While the agency figures the machines must sell about 50 bottles a day to break even, some are seeing daily sales in the single digits. That’s right: Humans have enjoyed wine for millennia, but the LCB has figured out how to stop them.”
An antiquated agency out of touch? The Inky sure thinks so, concluding, “The threat to expand the clunky kiosk program is another apt example of what the Commonwealth Foundation’s Matt Brouillette described as a “perestroika strategy” – merely tinkering with government machinery that’s on the brink of breaking down.”
Perhaps the Commissar of Kiosks can cut a new commercial — Stay thirsty, my comrades!