Children Can’t Wait for PSEA to “Fix” Violent, Failing Schools
The PSEA sent a memo to the House of Representatives discouraging legislators from sponsoring legislation that would throw lifelines to children in violent, failing schools. I also sent the following memo to legislators today:
From: Matthew Brouillette
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:52 PM
To: Members of the PA House of Representatives
Subject: Can Children Afford to Wait?
Importance: HighMore than 5,400 violent incidents on students and staff were reported in Pennsylvania’s worst performing public schools. For the more than 106,000 children trapped in Pennsylvania’s 144 lowest achieving public schools, the three Rs are no longer reading, writing and arithmetic, but rapes, robberies and riots.
When violent public schools continue to operate after eight years of corrective action, yet still only reach 4.9 percent proficiency in math and reading, we must act. While some would muffle those cries for help and allow children to be sacrificed on the altar of special interests, you can answer their call by co-sponsoring legislation to give parents a choice in education. Rep. Christiana outlined the “Students and School Rescue Act” yesterday; you can read our summary of the proposed legislation here. Rep. Schroder also recently proposed legislation for students in failing schools and a universal school choice program-that summary is here.
These school choice proposals will help save thousands of children from failing and violent institutions, and empower parents to make decisions that can bring their children a good education, safety and prosperity.
But my purpose in writing to you is primarily to ask a question: Will you answer the cries of these parents and children who are looking to you for help? If children really are our future, please act now to ensure no more of them will be condemned to failure.
Thanks for considering my plea.