Mayor of Merlot ‘Misspoke’
The Mayor of Merlot, monopolies, mediocrity and mismanagement “misspoke,” said a PLCB spokesperson of a critical portion of Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board CEO Joe Conti’s testimony to a House Liquor Control Committee, Thursday.
According to a report by Brad Bumsted of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the three-member board green lighted the catastrophic kiosk caper despite an internal report that predicted problems and recommended against it because, in part, it had a “deficient” business plan.
But Conti told the House Liquor Control Committee the report did not recommend against the LCB’s plan.
Pay no attention to the man behind the Irony Curtain, because the agency later retracted the testimony, saying the Pinot purveyor “misspoke,” and the report did indeed recommend against the kiosks.
While Conti continues his canard campaign of peddling perestroika and Pinot, we’ll continue to tell the truth on why citizens don’t need Glasnost to gulp their Grey Goose. Until, then, stay thirsty my comrades.