Frackophobes With Egg on Their Face
While Pennsylvania dealt with the realities of floods last week, frackophobic Penn Environment exploited the disaster by flooding the blogosphere with fear through positing a picture that led viewers to believe natural gas drilling would exacerbate the tragedy.
But some quick Googling by PA Independent revealed the photo was not in Pennsylvania, but about 7,000 miles away, in Pakistan
Former PA Secretary of DCNR John Quigley, now a consultant for enviro-lobbyist PennFuture, joined the hysteria. Rather than helping families who lost their homes, he asked folks in an e-mail to try and drum up evidence to condemn natural gas drilling:
We are looking for evidence of any frackwater ponds breached or overflowing . . . or other enviro damage from the flooding.
Double oops.
As the Patriot-News points out today, the floods did little to affect Marcellus Shale drilling:
[T]he industry plans for severe weather events, representatives say.
The state Department of Environmental Protection said there were no reports of drilling related pollution incidents.
So do the frackophobic groups have any credibility left?