Day 28,439: Why are We Living Like This?
Weclome to Day 28,439 of Prohibition II. That’s right; 28,439 days have passed since the PLCB was created in 1933 to make alcohol as “inconvenient and expensive as possible.”
In that year, the movie King Kong and the board game Monopoly made their debut; the average cost of new house was $5,750; average wages per year were $1,550; and, the cost of a gallon of gas was 10 cents!
Since then, much has changed, but not with Pennsylvania wine and liquor. The PLCB continues its King Kong grip on its monopoly over sales, and consumers are still bootlegging liquor over our border seeking the freedom to make consumer decisions for themselves at a fair price.
Click HERE and listen to Philadelphia 1210 AM’s Chris Stigall as he asks a simple question about a state of policy inebriation, insanity and inconvenience.
So why are we living like this? Sound off at Until then, stay thirsty my comrades.