Stop the Job-Killing Marcellus Tax!!!
A job-killing Marcellus Shale tax is being rammed through the legislature right now! With great speed and little transparency, House Bill 1950 was turned into a job-killing tax, littered with corporate welfare and handouts.
See our video discussing the tax
Corporate welfare highlights in the bill:
- $6.3 million to Environmental Stewardship Fund (Growing Greener) through fee; then in 2013, it redirects $20 million from the Oil and Gas Lease Fund — otherwise dedicated for state parks and forests.
- Growing Greener has been use to subsidize solar and wind projects, and even advocacy groups like PennFuture.
- More than $11 million over three years to bribe the Shell cracker plant to the state.
- Nearly $20 million over three years for natural gas vehicle development.
- $1 million for rail freight assistance.
- Beautification project grants, via Commonwealth Financing Authority!
Click here to tell your legislators to vote against a tax on Marcellus Shale drilling and for job growth and affordable home energy in Pennsylvania.