Save Our Schools or Save Our Kids?
Throngs of anti-parental choice supporters have rallied in Philadelphia today, demanding more taxpayer dollars for their cause. According to Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Kristen Graham via her Twitter feed @newskag, protesters were loudly shouting “Save our schools,” while waving signs that read, “Save our Schools: Stop Privatizing.”
While it is nice to finally see and hear their honest priorities, we can’t help but wonder who is going to be saving our kids from public schools like University City in Philadelphia where less than 5 percent of 11th graders reached proficiency in reading and math. Should we be saving failing and violent schools or saving the kids forced to attend them?
Despite the lack of any evidence that proves more dollars make more scholars, these adults continue to demand more money to stop parents from choosing where their child goes to school. Please hear from one such Philadelphia parent, Lorenzo White, who says school choice is the only way out.