PLCB Spills Grapes of Wrath!
Wine Shrines, Kiosk Catastrophes and ethics investigations step aside (okay, hold that last one), the Kings of Cabernet have uncorked their latest mayhem of modernization, malfeasance and mismanagement. Ready…wait for it…MAKING IT’S OWN LABEL OF WINE all on your dime! We’re crying sour grapes and you should, too!
It’s called TableLeaf and thanks to intrepid Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter Kari Andren, it’s revealed on Sunday’s front page that the government spent more than $7-10 MILLION of your tax dollars copyrighting, branding, marketing and selling YOUR own bottles of wine. That’s right, corks fans, YOU own a brand of wine that now competes for shelf space and consumer dollars against the likes of Pennsylvania wineries and other private businesses across the country and globe all in a convenient government monopoly some politicians are willing to give even greater latitude! What’s next, government jeans — imagine tightening the belt on those? Government perfume — that would stink! Government cars? Oh wait, they already did that, sorry.
If you own a business, or work in one, for whom does the bordeaux bell toll for next?
But like Ginsu knives, just wait folks, there’s more from the Gutless Grape Gurus who never bothered to tell us taxpayers about our little investment. Stay tuned and stay thirsty comrades, the wine wars have just begun.