Corbett Defends Taxpayers, Rejects State-Based Exchange
Pennsylvania today joined 21 other states in refusing to create a state-based exchange or partnership exchange, one of the tenets of the Affordable Care Act. Thanks to Governor Corbett’s bold statement and the strong stance of 48 state lawmakers, Pennsylvania taxpayers will not be on the hook for millions in exchange costs.
By refusing to create a state exchange, the governor also ensured the blame for higher premiums and restricted consumer choices in Pennsylvania will rest solely with the federal government.
For those keeping score at home, that leaves 24 states in the process of creating a state or partnership exchange while five states are still undecided as the December 14 deadline approaches.
This victory for Pennsylvanians did not materialize overnight. Governor Corbett’s decision was influenced by thousands of calls and letters by taxpayers urging the Governor to remain strong in his resistance to the Affordable Care Act.
Please join us in thanking Governor Corbett for boldly protecting Pennsylvania taxpayers! Click here to email your thanks, leave a message on his Facebook page, Tweet him @GovernorCorbett, or call his office at: 717-787-2500.