
Filing a Religious Objection to your Fair Share Fee
Once you become a non-union fee payer, you will receive an annual letter every December with supporting documents from your union explaining how it calculates fair share fees.
You may object to your fee on two grounds: For religious reasons, and on the basis of how the union calculated the fee. For a religious objection, you have to submit a written objection to your union, and designate a non-religious charity that both you and your union agree to as the recipient of your fee. A sample religious objection letter is below.
Calculation objections go to an arbitration hearing, though an arbitrator has yet to rule in favor of an objecting educator in some 20 years of holding the hearings. Basic instructions for both types of objections are contained in your Hudson notice, and must generally be filed by January, a few weeks after you receive it. Contact Free to Teach for assistance on filing a calculation objection.