What Can You Do?
The next hours and days could dramatically shape Pennsylvania’s future, but will it be for the better? As time winds down before the final budget passes, several critical issues hang in the balance. Here’s where you can help:
- The Senate is working out their liquor privatization plan today. Pennsylvania consumers and taxpayers deserve and demand real privatization, not half measures. Click here to write your Senator.
- A critical first step to address the state’s $47 billion pension hole passed committees in both the House and Senate, but government unions are fighting this much-needed reform. Moving new state employees to 401(k)-type plans would make retirements affordable, predictable, and current for taxpayers and employees. Click here to write lawmakers.
- Legislation that unfairly targets cyber schools continues to linger in the legislature. Click here to tell lawmakers to protect these schools of choice for more than 30,000 Pennsylvania kids.
- On Tuesday, over 50 representatives pledged to protect Pennsylvania taxpayers from expanding a failing and unaffordable Medicaid program. These lawmakers deserve our thanks, but we must continue to fight against expanding a program that fails to serve the truly needy.
If you have five minutes, please email your lawmakers about these critical, time-sensitive issues. If you have ten minutes, make a few phone calls today. Click here to look up your lawmakers.
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