
PODCAST: StudentsFirst on Education Reform
Part two of our conversation with Ashley DeMauro, PA state director for StudentsFirst, features an in-depth discussion of seniority reform, teacher evaluations, school transparency, and charter school reform. Here are some highlights:
How can we measure teacher effectiveness to ensure education quality?
Because of recent reforms pushed for by StudentsFirst and others, Pennsylvania now has a robust, 4-tier rating system for educator performance.
So, once they’re identified, how do we reward and protect the best public school teachers in the state?
Doing away with the “last in, first out” seniority-based hiring and firing is an obvious step one.
How can we make school spending and contracting more transparent to protect taxpayers?
A proposed transparency website called SchoolWATCH promises to do just that.
What’s on the General Assembly’s plate regarding long-overdue charter school reform?
SB 1085, while unnecessarily punitive to cyber schools, promises to expand charter authorization while enhancing accountability measures.
Listen to the full podcast here.
Find out more about StudentsFirst in PA and follow them on Twitter @PAStudentsFirst.
In case you missed it, listen to our first conversation with Ashley DeMauro on Pennsylvania’s new student performance profiles.