
Plagiarism: Union Style
Several letters to the editor opposing paycheck protection—ostensibly written by different teachers—have appeared in newspapers around the state. Their suspicious similarity provides a valuable lesson in a practice typically frowned on in the classroom: plagiarism.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has an anti-plagiarism brochure aimed at what they call the “cut and paste generation.” Under the heading “Student’s Checklist for ePlagiarism Prevention” PDE notes, “Plagiarism in any form is dishonest. You dishonor yourself as well as the author and may jeopardize your reputation.”
Perhaps the PDE should add the below examples to the brochure.
The real story (Williamsport Sun Gazette, February 9, 2014)
by Deb Kuhar, Unityville Teacher, East Lycoming School District
Instead of focusing on how to improve conditions for middle-class families, the governor and his supporters in the General Assembly are now pushing bills that would prohibit me from making voluntary payroll deductions, and eliminate my right to choose which organizations I support.
Legislation like this is being promoted all over the country by a network of out-of-state billionaires and corporate special interests.
They use right-wing front groups like the Commonwealth Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council, who refuse to identify their wealthy backers. These are the same shadowy groups who backed efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare, and opposed increases in the minimum wage.
Focusing on the wrong priorities (Intelligencer Journal / Lancaster New Era, February 11, 2014)
by Jason Molloy, Hamilton Elementary School Teacher, School District of Lancaster
Instead of focusing on how to improve conditions for middle-class families, the governor and his supporters in the General Assembly are now pushing bills that would prohibit me from making voluntary payroll deductions, called “paycheck protection,” and would eliminate my right to choose which organizations I support.
Legislation like this is being promoted all over the country by a network of out-of-state billionaires and corporate special interests.
They use right-wing front groups like the Commonwealth Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council, who refuse to identify their wealthy backers. These are the same shadow groups that backed efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare, and opposed increases in the minimum wage.
Public needs to know the truth (The (Lockhaven) Express, February 6, 2014)
by Mark Condo, Central Mountain High School Teacher, Keystone Central School District
These far right special interest organizations don’t reveal their funders. These are the same shadowy groups who backed efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare, and opposed increases in the minimum wage.
Instead of focusing on how to improve conditions for middle-class families, the governor and his supporters in the General Assembly are now pushing bills that would prohibit me from making voluntary payroll deductions, and eliminate my right to choose which organizations I support.
Corbett attacking middle class families (Observer-Reporter, February 8, 2014)
By Gordon Lowry, Trinity Middle School Teacher, Trinity Area School District
Instead of focusing on how to improve conditions for middle class families, Gov. Tom Corbett and his supporters in the Legislature are now pushing bills that would prohibit me from making voluntary payroll deductions and eliminate which organizations I support.
Thanks for the lesson, PSEA!
When Pennsylvania union members are allowed to speak for themselves, though, we found they overwhelmingly support paycheck protection legislation.