Spreading the Paycheck Protection Message
It’s crunch time in Harrisburg. With lawmakers scheduled to break for summer recess in two weeks, the push for paycheck protection has intensified.
To help spread the message of paycheck protection’s importance, CF is running our second TV ad on the issue with the help of public school teachers. In the ad, teachers explain why the current system is unfair to both public employees and taxpayers:
Our message of taxpayer fairness and union accountability isn’t confined to television ads. CF staff has appeared on a number of television and radio programs over the last year. Our latest media appearence on PMA’s weekly news show aired just yesterday. You can view it below:
Season 2, Episode 3: Paycheck Protection from PMA Perspective on Vimeo.
Thanks to the hundreds of grassroots activists who rallied in Harrisburg, testimony from a litany of good government and business groups, and our TV ad campaign, momentum for paycheck protection continues to build.
And to keep the momentum going in these next two weeks, we need you contact your state lawmakers and urge them to end the government unions’ unfair political privilege.
If lawmakers don’t hear from you, one thing is certain: the status quo will not change.