They’re Complaining Because We’re Convincing
This morning’s Harrisburg Patriot-News includes an item that gives unfortunate credence to tired and lame allegations made by critics who are upset with CF’s effectiveness about our research on Governor-elect Wolf’s tax proposals.
My colleague Cindy Hamill does an excellent job in the piece explaining the lengths to which CF goes to obey all applicable laws and regulations. Since this is my responsibility, I take it especially seriously. I could not be prouder of the job our colleagues do in this regard.
Not only that, the primary critic quoted in the Patriot, Jan Jarrett, ought to know better than to make such reckless allegations. In 2012, she left the leadership of a formerly influential advocacy group after admitting to misreporting her group’s activities to the IRS and improperly spending taxpayer money.
Finally, it simply isn’t true that the Wolf campaign “refuted [CF’s] number” (as the article says) regarding the Governor-elect’s plans. As Nate Benefield recently explained on this blog, CF’s research is the most accurate information out there to make sense of the vague promises we heard during the campaign. That’s our role—not to take sides in elections, but to figure out the truth and how it will affect Pennsylvanians’ pocketbooks.
We will continue to provide valuable, timely, and accurate policy analysis (consistent with our guarantee of quality scholarship) proudly and in full compliance with the law.