
Community Rallies Around Local Teacher
Standing up for your beliefs can be scary—especially when you’re a teacher standing up to the most powerful labor union in Pennsylvania! But that’s exactly what Professor Mary Trometter did when the PSEA sent her husband a letter urging him to vote one way by claiming that she was voting for that candidate too. The problem is, Mary had never endorsed the candidate or given permission for the mailer. She is now taking the PSEA to court.
To honor her bravery, members of her local community held a reception in her honor. The event, spearheaded by Ms. Andree Phillips, took place on April 15 at DiSalvo's wine bar in Williamsport. At the event Mary shared her story, and answered questions from attendees.
Mary made it clear that she wasn’t looking for trouble or recognition, but after years of funding partisan politics with her dues money, the letter was the last straw. She now hopes that her story and example will encourage other teachers to speak out against intimidation and exploitation for political gain, and her supporters hope so too.
Be sure to read more about Mary’s story and share your own story with Free to Teach. Have you experienced intimidation because your beliefs didn’t align with the teachers’ union? You’re not alone, contact Free to Teach today.