Public Union Democracy

Are All Paycheck Deductions Created Equal?

  • February 3, 2014

Opponents of “paycheck protection” are desperate to preserve their exclusive legal and political privilege, which is evident by their use of specious arguments designed to confuse and distract. For example,…


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Pennsylvania Still Not Making the Grade

  • February 3, 2014

The bipartisan education reform group, StudentsFirst, released its annual State Policy Report Card grading each state’s education policies and demonstrating the need for more student-centered reforms. How did Pennsylvania…


Read More: Pennsylvania Still Not Making the Grade


Don’t Stop Halfway

  • January 31, 2014

Liquor privatization has been a promise, a priority and even passed the House last year. And in the roughly 11 months since that historic vote, progress remains stalled. But it’s…


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Public Union Democracy

Consensus Growing on Paycheck Protection

  • January 31, 2014

Earlier this week, we spotlighted editorials from the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily urging Pennsylvania to pass paycheck protection legislation. While national attention raises awareness of this…


Read More: Consensus Growing on Paycheck Protection

Health Care

Obamacare Sticker Shock for Pittsburgh Workers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 31, 2014

The reality of Obamacare hit home for the employees of Simonetta’s Collision Repair Center in McKeesport. WTAE news captured the reaction of six employees who were told their copays,…


Read More: Obamacare Sticker Shock for Pittsburgh Workers

Public Union Democracy

Should Public Resources be Used to Collect Political Money?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 29, 2014

My letter to the editor in the Carlisle Sentinel attempts to cut through all the rhetoric and ad hominem attacks by getting straight to the point regarding the debate…


Read More: Should Public Resources be Used to Collect Political Money?

Government Accountability

Unions Stage Political Rally (Funded with Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues)

  • January 28, 2014

This morning, union bosses and hundreds of union members stormed the Capitol to protect their unfair political privilege. Threatened by legislation that would level the playing field—ending the taxpayer-funded collection…


Read More: Unions Stage Political Rally (Funded with Taxpayer-Collected Union Dues)

Government Accountability

Government Unions Bosses United for Political Attack Ads

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 28, 2014

Politics PA reported last week that a group called “Americans United for Change” is targeting four Pennsylvania Congressmen (Charlie Dent, Joe Pitts, Mike Fitzpatrick, and Pat Meehan) in their…


Read More: Government Unions Bosses United for Political Attack Ads