
Top Ten Reasons Pennsylvanians Deserve More from Their Universities

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 17, 2011

Yesterday in Harrisburg, the talk was all about Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposal to cut the generous subsidies Pennsylvania taxpayers provide to our universities.  Budget Secretary Charles Zogby said…


Read More: Top Ten Reasons Pennsylvanians Deserve More from Their Universities

Taxes & Economy

About a Streamlining Commission

  • March 16, 2011

Yesterday, CF released its new publication, Streamlining State Government, bringing attention to the more than 340 state regulatory and advisory agencies, demonstrating the need to trim the size…


Read More: About a Streamlining Commission


Despite Union Propaganda, Residents Support Privatization

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 15, 2011

The Morning Call and Muhlenberg College recently conducted a poll on Pennsylvania’s budget situation. Despite months of union sponsored misinformation campaigns, Pennsylvania residents remain largely supportive…


Read More: Despite Union Propaganda, Residents Support Privatization

Health Care

Medicaid Reforms Needed as Welfare Spending Surpasses Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 11, 2011

Under Gov. Corbett’s budget proposal, Pennsylvania would spend more on welfare than education for first time. A large chunk of that welfare spending is in Medicaid, a joint state-federal program…


Read More: Medicaid Reforms Needed as Welfare Spending Surpasses Education


PSU: Political Stunt University?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 10, 2011

University presidents are howling in response to Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget address, in which he proposed giving their institutions less of taxpayers’ hard-earned money.  The loudest protests are coming from…


Read More: PSU: Political Stunt University?

State Budget

Chart of the Day: Is it a Spending Problem?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2011

In his budget address, Gov. Corbett talked a great deal about the overspending during the Rendell administration. Ben Waxman responds in the Daily News (I’m paraphrasing) “Nuh-uh, there’s no…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Is it a Spending Problem?

State Budget

Benefield on Budget Today

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2011

If you are following the state budget, or just like listening to me talk (that means you, Mom), today is your lucky day. I’ll be on KDKA Radio in…


Read More: Benefield on Budget Today

Taxes & Economy

Time to Reinvestigate Mann and Now PSU

  • March 8, 2011

My American Tradition Institute colleague Chris Horner reports today at the Daily Caller that a NOAA inspector has dug up proof of deception in…


Read More: Time to Reinvestigate Mann and Now PSU


Chart of the Day: Public School Revenue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 8, 2011

The chart below highlights Pennsylvania public school revenue, by source, from 1988-89 to 2008-09 (the latest year with data from the state Department of Education). Over the last 20…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Public School Revenue