Health Care

Join the “Mob”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 10, 2009

You might find it interesting that the special interests who denounce individuals voicing opposition to ObamaCare as “astroturf,” a “mob,” and part of a vast right-wing conspiracy (and occasionally…


Read More: Join the “Mob”

Government Accountability

Expose Media Bias, Make Money

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 10, 2009

Tired of media bias, factual errors, and false assumptions? The National Review Institute is offering compensation for anyone who submits “short posts identifying the factual errors, lazy clichés, loaded terms,…


Read More: Expose Media Bias, Make Money

Government Accountability

Dwight Evan’s Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2009

The Philadelphia Inquirer exposes another nonprofit with ties to a state lawmaker – this time House Democrat Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans – whose use of tax dollars seems sketchy…


Read More: Dwight Evan’s Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

Health Care

Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 7, 2009

President Obama, Dick Durbin, the unions, and shills at MSNBC have taken to calling protesters who disagree with their health care agenda as shills for corporate interests or “the…


Read More: Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform


Philadelphia Needs Neither Higher Taxes nor Generational Theft

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2009

The Pennsylvania House yesterday passed a bill that would allow Philadelphia to raise its sales tax another percentage point and to defer it pension payments for city employees further…


Read More: Philadelphia Needs Neither Higher Taxes nor Generational Theft

Health Care

Is Dissent Still the Highest Form of Patriotism?

  • August 5, 2009

It seems that the President is very upset that people are actually questioning his health care plan. So much so that the White House wants to be informed…


Read More: Is Dissent Still the Highest Form of Patriotism?

Taxes & Economy

Make Drill Here, Drill Now a Reality

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 5, 2009

Remember Drill Here Drill Now campaign? It’s one approval away from becoming a reality. As of October 1, 2008 no moratoriums exist on offshore oil and gas development, however,…


Read More: Make Drill Here, Drill Now a Reality