Taxes & Economy

On Specter’s Economic Remarks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2009

Roxbury News has posted video of Arlen Specter’s remarks yesterday (part II here) at the State Capitol.  Three things really bother me regarding his defense of his vote…


Read More: On Specter’s Economic Remarks

Public Union Democracy

Warren Buffett on Card Check: Short and Sweet

  • March 9, 2009

Warren Buffett bluntly expressed his views on card check during CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning, saying that “the secret ballot is pretty important in this country.” Buffett adds his voice…


Read More: Warren Buffett on Card Check: Short and Sweet

Taxes & Economy

Money Squanderers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2009

Brad Bumsted has an excellent op-ed on why Pennsylvania lawmakers’ Bibles, gifts from the speaker, legal fees, and the like are just a few among many…


Read More: Money Squanderers

Taxes & Economy

Freedom in Pennsylvania and the 50 states

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2009

The Mercatus Center has a new report ranking freedom – both personal and economic – in the 50 states.  Overall, they rank Pennsylvania 20th. See a related story…


Read More: Freedom in Pennsylvania and the 50 states

Harrisburg Tea Party Pics and Videos

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2009

We had over 1,000 folks (some estimates higher, some a bit under 1,000) at today's Harrisburg Tea Party. Not knowing how many people to expect, I have to say…


Read More: Harrisburg Tea Party Pics and Videos

What does a trillion dollars look like?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2009

Since it is extremely difficult for most people to grasp enormous dollar amounts that government spends, e.g. $1 Trillion, we often have to resort to gimics, such as “spending $1…


Read More: What does a trillion dollars look like?


State Bus Tour to Promote PA Lottery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2009

From the “Are you kidding me?” department is this announcement that, despite a massive budget deficit, the state is launching a statewide bus tour to promote a new Pennsylvania…


Read More: State Bus Tour to Promote PA Lottery

Public Union Democracy

Card Check Would Cost Millions in Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2009

A new study finds that “card check” legislation, if enacted, would increase unemployment by 1.5 million jobs for each 3% increase in union membership (HT Tony Phyrillas).  If…


Read More: Card Check Would Cost Millions in Jobs