Taxes & Economy

Who is to blame for “financial crisis”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 15, 2009

Who is to blame for the current economic predicament? We answered this question many months ago, but a new poll highlighted on the New York Times Economix Blog…


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State Budget

Pennsylvania Revenue Shortfall Projections

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2009

For those who are following Pennsylvania’s revenue shortfall closely, the state Budget Office provided on request (and were kind enough to waive the 25-cent cost) me the monthly…


Read More: Pennsylvania Revenue Shortfall Projections

Taxes & Economy

Worst Economy Since the Great Depression?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2009

Free Market Politics with no words (or 6,000 if you think a picture is worth a thousand words) debunks the oft-stated rhetoric that we are facing the “worst economic…


Read More: Worst Economy Since the Great Depression?

State Budget

Shovel Ready?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2009

In discussion of a “stimulus” plan/bailout of state and local governments, a lot of has been made of funding “shovel ready” projects – thus leading to governors and mayors putting…


Read More: Shovel Ready?


Kicking and screaming over soccer stadium

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2009

Delware County Councilman Andy Lewis is fighting against taxpayer funding for the proposed soccer stadium in Chester, noting (among other things) that Major League Soccer might go under, leaving…


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Taxes & Economy


  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2009

Lots of good explanation of why a federal “economic stimulus” is likely to fail. The Heritage Foundation has the “Do’s and Don’ts of an Economic Stimulus” – unfortunately all…


Read More: Stimu-less

Taxes & Economy

We spent taxpayer money on this #@!$?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 12, 2009

Suppose you were faced with a major revenue shorfall and had to prioritize spending. Would you: 1) Give employees their promised raises or2) Produce a website/video…


Read More: We spent taxpayer money on this #@!$?

State Budget

The façade of Pennsylvania’a state budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 12, 2009

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a story on how state taxpayer funding is available for business façades. The real façade is that the state budget is “cut to the…


Read More: The façade of Pennsylvania’a state budget