Taxes & Economy

New, Better Property Tax Relief Proposal – Media Coverage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 12, 2006

Patriot News “Breaking News” coverage of our Property Tax Relief Scholarship proposal. Get our press release, or download our Policy Brief for more details and district-specific property…


Read More: New, Better Property Tax Relief Proposal – Media Coverage

Health Care

Health care for everyone?

  • April 11, 2006

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney writes in today’s Wall Street Journal that he believes he’s found a way to provide health care for everyone, with “no new taxes, no employer…


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Taxes & Economy

Governor Rendell: The Era of Big Government is Just Beginning

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 10, 2006

Two Gems from Governor Rendell in The Scranton Times-Tribune: “Rendell says voters have a clear choice between a candidate who talks of cutting taxes and limiting spending – Swann…


Read More: Governor Rendell: The Era of Big Government is Just Beginning

State Budget

Are they really “Fake” Republicans?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 10, 2006

OpinionJournal – John Fund on the Trail: “‘The Republican Party is now principally moderate, if not liberal’ on spending, Mr. Specter told reporters after a majority of GOP senators…


Read More: Are they really “Fake” Republicans?

Public Union Democracy

Rendell caught trying to help union buddies

  • April 10, 2006

The Rendell Administration recently made a rules change that he changed again. Gov. Rendell’s Department of Labor and Industry had advised state and municipal governments that they would have to…


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Taxes & Economy

“Populism in pursuit of power preservation”

  • April 9, 2006

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review’s Colin McNickle has a few thoughts on the House’s passage of the minimum wage bill last week. Here’s an excerpt from today’s commentary, “Stop supporting fake…


Read More: “Populism in pursuit of power preservation”

State Budget

CAGW Pig Book: $29 BIllion in Pork in 2006

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 6, 2006

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released their annual Pig Book yesterday, which indentifies $29 billion of pork-spending (defined as requests by members of Congress for special projects) in the…


Read More: CAGW Pig Book: $29 BIllion in Pork in 2006