The Property Tax Relief Scholarship Act
It is “like throwing gasoline on a fire,” said G. Terry Madonna, a political science professor at Franklin & Marshall College in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Reivew. The idea is “definitely worth consideration,” said Erik Arneson, chief of staff for Senate Majority Leader David “Chip” Brightbill, R-Lebanon County.
“It’s a pretty dramatic shift from existing proposals and we’re not convinced this is the time and place for this debate,” said Kelly Fedeli, spokeswoman for House Majority Leader Sam Smith, R-Punxsutawney in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Rendell’s office had no comment in the Patriot-News. Senate Minority “Leader” Bob Mellow did though: “That’s the most ridiculous and absurd thing I ever heard.” [We understand where you’re coming from Bob. At least you’re consistent in choosing your campaign funders — school labor unions — over taxpayers, parents, and children.]