Taxes & Economy

Spend more now, raises taxes later

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 7, 2006

The Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards reports that many states (like maybe Pennsylvania) are following the same mistakes of the late 90s in Busting the State Tax-Revenue Boom. When state…


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Taxes & Economy

Mentality of Minimum Wage Supporters

  • February 6, 2006

The Morning Call is reporting that House Republicans may be the only barrier between Rendell and his labor union buddies’ artificial increas in the labor costs in PA. One…


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Mid-Term Grades

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 3, 2006

Liberty Index coverage in the Post-Gazette suggests some lawmakers may need to stay “after class”.


Read More: Mid-Term Grades

Lawmakers report card

  • February 2, 2006

Liberty Index coverage in the great Northwest. Read The Bradford Era story here.


Read More: Lawmakers report card

How to reduce property taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 1, 2006

An Americans for Tax Reform study on property tax reform in New Jersey and Massachusetts. While New Jersey attempted to reduce property taxes by creating an income tax with…


Read More: How to reduce property taxes

Taxes & Economy

Taxing telecommuters

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 1, 2006

New study from the The Tax Foundation on how New York, Pennsylvania, and two oather states attempt to penalize telecommuters who choose not to live there. However, rather than…


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State Budget

Rendell to propose business tax cuts

  • January 31, 2006

Attempting to reshape himself as a “pro-business” Democrat after 3 years of punishing job creators, Gov. Rendell gave a sneak peek into next week’s budget address. Remember, this is after…


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Government Accountability

#254 on the Liberty Index lives up (down?) to his ranking

  • January 31, 2006

Philly Democratic Senator Vince Fumo (who scored the worst on our Liberty Index) has proposed a graduated income tax to further punish the producers in Pennsylvania. Nevermind that the “rich”…


Read More: #254 on the Liberty Index lives up (down?) to his ranking

Government Accountability

Rep. Metcalfe on the Liberty Index

  • January 31, 2006

From a news release from Rep. Daryl Metcalfe… Rep. Daryl Metcalfe: Metcalfe tops Liberty Index for second year in a row. HARRISBURG — Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) is again the…


Read More: Rep. Metcalfe on the Liberty Index