Media Hit

Gone are the days when Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility
Originally published in The Philadelphia Inquirer
In 2010, I was one of thousands of Americans marching in Washington, D.C., demanding to be heard by politicians who were putting special interests and bureaucracy above the flourishing of the American people. I carried a cardboard sign I had made in my kitchen the day before — “The People’s Work Starts Now!” — and stood arm in arm with other stay-at-home mothers and people of all racial and religious backgrounds (collectively, the tea party movement) who were fed up with corporate bailouts and an ever-growing government.
In 2018, while my days of marches were over, my career advocating for limited government was just getting started. I had written an op-ed for the New York Times that was more than a critique of President Donald Trump — it was a critique of the ballooning government spending spree. Republicans tend to abhor government spending on the campaign trail, and then kowtow to those demands once in office. “The People’s Work Continues!” I wrote then.
It’s now 2022, and I’m having a serious case of déjà vu.
Read more in The Philadelphia Inquirer