Media Hit

All Students Deserve the Opportunity to Shine. So Do Pennsylvania’s
Originally published in The Philadelphia Citizen
Nelson Garcia is a shining star. He’s a straight-A 11th grader at Liguori Academy with strong ambitions for his future. Namely, he wants to go to college. His mother however, is worried about paying for higher ed.
Fortunately for Nelson, he is on his way to achieving his goal. Based on his substantial academic achievements, he receives a full-tuition, three-year scholarship to Liguori. This, says his mom, “makes it a lot less stressful on me.” It also, both mother and son believe, is the best possible option for Nelson’s academic career. Liguori, they say, is the perfect fit for Nelson: the small classroom sizes; the one-on-one attention; the welcoming, nurturing, and personable environment; and the many extracurricular activities. Moreover, the private school stresses real-world experiences for students.
Liguori recently challenged students to learn the intricacies of the marketplace by creating and selling a product in an event called Falcon Tank, a version of Shark Tank, named after their school mascot. Nelson learned how to make shoes. He designed them using 3D software, and learned how to market and sell his product — all while getting paid for his work.
Read more in The Philadelphia Citizen