Pennsylvania’s future is in the hands of the next generation. Parents and students—not activist agendas—should drive the Commonwealth’s education policy. While policymakers have been entrusted with ensuring the next generation receives a quality education, parents should be empowered to choose the quality education that meets their unique child’s needs. Charter schools and tax credit scholarships are integral pieces of school choice, but more reforms are needed to make school choice a reality for all Pennsylvania students.


Preschool Algebra

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 29, 2006

From Governor Rendell’s News Release: “An independent study by a renowned firm confirms that more than 160,000 students in 48 Pennsylvania schools are benefiting from investments in early childhood…


Read More: Preschool Algebra


For School Equality, Try Mobility

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 27, 2006

How “funding the child” would provide greater school equity and choice – by Rod Paige in today’s New York Times.


Read More: For School Equality, Try Mobility


Has School Choice Crossed the Rubicon?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2006

Clint Bolick argues yes in today’s Wall Street Journal. Even Democratic leaders (including Sen. Ted Kennedy and our own Governor Rendell) have signed on to school choice programs (albeit…


Read More: Has School Choice Crossed the Rubicon?


School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2006

Interesting article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about property tax hikes. Twenty of 43 school districts in Allegheny are planning to raise tax rates. Their justification is that the county…


Read More: School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County


Arrogant PHEAA: More stonewalling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 13, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial review on how the public agency PHEAA refuses to disclose how they spend their money. Hence we propose privatizing PHEAA in our Pennsylvania Piglet…


Read More: Arrogant PHEAA: More stonewalling


Cut the Fat

  • June 13, 2006

While Gov. Ed Rendell claims that his administration is “squeezing every nickel out of government,” an analysis of state spending released by the Commonwealth Foundation and Citizens Against Government Waste…


Read More: Cut the Fat


Property Tax Relief through School Choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2006

Pennsylvanians deserve property tax reform and relief—not a shift and a sham. But the only way to relieve all homeowners while not burdening other taxpayers is to reduce public school…


Read More: Property Tax Relief through School Choice


Substitute teaching goes private

  • May 9, 2006

In Michigan, the Grand Rapids Public Schools have figured out a way to save the taxpayers money–contract out for substitute teachers. It saves $$$ from having to be socked…


Read More: Substitute teaching goes private


65% Solution? Reduce School District Size

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 5, 2006

Analysis of school district spending by size by in the EIA Communique. The finding is that larger districts spend a lower percentage on classroom instruction (and more in adminstrative…


Read More: 65% Solution? Reduce School District Size


PHEAAs Split Personality

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 4, 2006

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) has a split personality complex, complete with an uncanny ability to assume different identities at a moment’s notice. One day, the student loan…


Read More: PHEAAs Split Personality


Educating From the Bench

  • April 27, 2006

Judges order legislators to spend more on schools, and taxpayers see less in return. Dr. Jay P. Greene in today’s Wall Street Journal.


Read More: Educating From the Bench


New Report on High School Graduation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2006

A new report from the Manhattan Institute, released today, attempts to calculate real (as opposed to reported) high school graduation rates, using a consistent methodology across states. They found…


Read More: New Report on High School Graduation


PHEAA says receipts would reveal secrets

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 5, 2006

PHEAA refuses to disclose what they are spending their money on, the Patriot News reports, citing “trade secrets.” Far be it from me to suggest that taxpayers and…


Read More: PHEAA says receipts would reveal secrets


PSBA takes issue with my referendum commentary

  • March 26, 2006

Equal time was given to Tim Allwein of the PA School Boards Association to offer a rebutal to my commentary in last Sunday’s Patriot-News. Fair game. It should…


Read More: PSBA takes issue with my referendum commentary


Let Common Sense Prevail on School Construction Projects

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 14, 2006

In the current debate over school property tax reform in Pennsylvania, all of the plans under consideration in Harrisburg focus solely on the revenue side of the school finance equation…


Read More: Let Common Sense Prevail on School Construction Projects