2025 State of Education Spending in Pennsylvania
Overview The national trends impacting education in Pennsylvania in 2025 include an impending fiscal cliff, under-enrolled schools, and population decline, all of which lead to school closures…
Read More: 2025 State of Education Spending in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania’s future is in the hands of the next generation. Parents and students—not activist agendas—should drive the Commonwealth’s education policy. While policymakers have been entrusted with ensuring the next generation receives a quality education, parents should be empowered to choose the quality education that meets their unique child’s needs. Charter schools and tax credit scholarships are integral pieces of school choice, but more reforms are needed to make school choice a reality for all Pennsylvania students.
Taxpayer-Funded, Universal Preschool in Pennsylvania: Benefits Questioned
The push toward taxpayer-funded preschool for every child in Pennsylvania continues with Governor Rendell’s budget proposal for the 2007-08 fiscal year. The Governor wants $75 million for “Pre-K Counts,” which…
Fact Sheet
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Count the Costs of Pre-K Counts
Academic and financial costs of taxpayer-funded preschool questioned, alternatives proposed at news conference HARRISBURG, PA — Today, the Commonwealth Foundation joined with a coalition of organizations to call on lawmakers…
Press Release
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Taxpayer-Funded Preschool: Count the Costs
Governor Ed Rendell’s budget proposal for the 2007-08 fiscal year includes $75 million for “Pre-K Counts”—a taxpayer-funded program which would provide grants to school districts, Head Start programs, and government-approved…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Taxpayer-Funded Preschool: Count the CostsEducation
Public School Students Benefit from Private Managers
The Philadelphia School Reform Commission soon will be voting on a budget for the school district. Facing a projected budget deficit, the Commission is looking for ways to reduce costs,…
Read More: Public School Students Benefit from Private ManagersEducation
Diet Tip of the Week, Issue 3
One of the most notorious abuses of taxpayers' money is the exercise of Walking-Around-Money (WAMs). These funds are set aside for use at each legislator's discretion to dish out to…
Read More: Diet Tip of the Week, Issue 3Education
School Choice Saves Money
New report identifies $144 M in savings from Educational Improvement Tax Credit HARRISBURG, PA — Giving parents and children school choices saves taxpayers’ money. This is the finding of a…
Press Release
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Change the Incentives in Education
Thank you Chairman Armstrong and members of the Appropriations Committee for the opportunity to discuss the impact of Governor Rendell’s education proposals. You have already heard and are going to…
Read More: Change the Incentives in EducationEducation
Free-Market Approaches to Fiscal Policy
Good morning. My name is Nathan Benefield; I am the Director of Policy Research for the Commonwealth Foundation, a research and policy institute in Harrisburg. I want to thank the…
Read More: Free-Market Approaches to Fiscal PolicyEducation
Spending Restraint Needed
Good afternoon. My name is Nathan Benefield, I am the Director of Policy Research for the Commonwealth Foundation. I would like to thank Chairman Armstrong and the members of the…
Read More: Spending Restraint NeededEducation
Management 101 for Our Public Schools
Terry Moe in today’s Wall Street Journal on incentive pay for teachers.
Read More: Management 101 for Our Public SchoolsEducation
How NOT to reduce the cost of college
Senator Joe Conti unveiled a proposal to expand the state sales tax and dedicate the revenue to Penn State University. Why? Penn State’s tuition is too high. This proposal…
Read More: How NOT to reduce the cost of collegeEducation
The Education Revolution America Needs
From the Washington Post’s Think Tank Town.
Read More: The Education Revolution America NeedsEducation
The Laptop Revolution Has No Clothes
Education Week editorial on the lack of evidence for “a laptop on every desk” mythology (registration required).
Read More: The Laptop Revolution Has No ClothesEducation
Federal probe targets PHEAA
The US Department of Education is investigating PHEAA for overbilling taxpayers for federal loan reimbursements, the Patriot News reports. I guess PHEAA will have to open their books after…
Read More: Federal probe targets PHEAAEducation
Our Soviet education model
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review’s Bill Steigerwald interviews the Cato Institute’s Neal McCluskey on how a number of “conservatives” have taken a “180-degree wrong turn from conservatism’s once-solid principles of limited government,…
Read More: Our Soviet education modelEducation
Is Our Kids Learning?
Following multiple reports on student test scores, much has been made about how well Pennsylvania students are performing. In August, Governor Rendell delighted in the results from the PSSA—the state’s…
Read More: Is Our Kids Learning?Education
Posh dorms become the norm
AP story on the posh living quarters and lifestyles of today’s college students. As the alma mater is featured (and I must admit, I had quite the bachelor pad…
Read More: Posh dorms become the normEducation
Editorial: PHEAA should open books or lose monopoly
DelcoTimes suggests “If PHEAA doesn’t want to open its books, the state should open its doors to competition in the student loan field. Then residents can compare organizations and…
Read More: Editorial: PHEAA should open books or lose monopolyEducation
School choice leads to less segregation
Contrary to the rhetoric of many opponents of school choice, two new studies from the Milton & Rose Friedman Foundation shows that private schools participating in the voucher programs…
Read More: School choice leads to less segregationEducation
The best education reform: More sleep.
Wall Street Journal editorial on why schools should start their days later. I’ve never considered this from a policy point of view, but I know that for 13 years,…
Read More: The best education reform: More sleep.Education
SAT Scores and PA Schools
SAT Scores Nationally, scores dropped, primarily attributed to a change in the test format. Pennsylania continues to lag behind, ranking 47th in the nation in average combined SAT score.
Read More: SAT Scores and PA Schools