Pennsylvania is the birthplace of the modern energy industry and a pivotal global energy supplier. American energy independence and global energy market security rely on Pennsylvanian energy. Today’s hyper-polarized politics and environmental radicalism too often mislead Pennsylvanians by presenting them with false choices for our energy future. It does not have to be this way.

Pennsylvania can have a bright, market-driven energy future where:

  • Energy is reliable and affordable
  • Commonsense management and stewardship protect the environment
  • Pennsylvanians are free to innovate and address energy and environmental challenges responsibly
  • Pennsylvania’s families and businesses benefit from its abundance of natural resources
  • Pennsylvania leads the way to secure American energy independence and dominance in the global marketplace


Alternative Energy Mandates

  • November 18, 2009

Pennsylvania law requires utility companies to produce a certain percentage of their electricity from alternative sources in future years. Proposed legislation would increase this percentage and require new carbon sequestration…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Alternative Energy Mandates


End Rate Caps to Create Electric Choice and Competition

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • November 9, 2009

Concern about potential price hikes in the midst of a recession may motivate some lawmakers to push for legislation to halt or delay that expiration under the guise of consumer…


Read More: End Rate Caps to Create Electric Choice and Competition


Rendell’s Mixed Energy Agenda

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 1, 2009

Governor Rendell frequently talks about the need to combat rising energy costs. Yet he continues to support policies that will increase Pennsylvanians’ electric bills and endanger thousands of jobs in…


Read More: Rendell’s Mixed Energy Agenda


Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps

  • July 30, 2009

With electricity rate caps expiring, state lawmakers are concerned that Pennsylvanians will see steep increases in their utility bills. What will happen as the electricity deregulation, which is more accurately…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Electricity Restructuring and Rate Caps


Electricity Deregulation: A Successful Transition

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 7, 2009

Most Pennsylvania residents will soon see significant increases in their electricity bills. Many state lawmakers are concerned about the political backlash they will receive as a result. But it is…


Read More: Electricity Deregulation: A Successful Transition


Energy Policy

  • September 25, 2007

Governor Ed Rendell has proposed issuing $850 million in new debt to subsidize select “alternative energy” companies and energy conservation efforts, along with a mandate that every gallon of…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Energy Policy


The Hype for Energy Indebtedness

  • September 17, 2007

Governor Ed Rendell contends that his energy policy will help the Commonwealth attain “energy independence.” Don’t believe the hype. His plan imposes new taxes to cover the costs…


Read More: The Hype for Energy Indebtedness


Energy Depletion

  • June 28, 2007

Ed Rendell has been in politics for too long. That is the only way to explain his apparent belief that Harrisburg politicians know more about which alternative energy prospects are…


Read More: Energy Depletion


The Governments Gas Problem

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 8, 2006

Government’s energy policies and regulations have been leading us down the wrong road for years, yet the only solution Governor Ed Rendell and plenty of Republicans like Sen. Arlen Specter…


Read More: The Governments Gas Problem


Earth Day Reality Check: Embrace the Truth Not Environmental Hysteria

  • April 21, 2003

Forty years ago, native Pennsylvanian Rachel Carson and author of Silent Spring wrote “We stand now where two roads diverge.” Carson’s statement accurately reflects the current state of Pennsylvania’s regulatory…


Read More: Earth Day Reality Check: Embrace the Truth Not Environmental Hysteria