Media Hit

Electric vehicles are not without environmental consequences
Originally published at The Philadelphia Inquirer
Pennsylvania is the country’s third-largest producer of electricity, behind only Texas and Florida. The bulk of our state’s energy comes from coal, gas, and nuclear. Solar, wind, and hydropower account for only 3% of Pennsylvania’s energy production, yet left-wing environmental groups have been attacking the development of our state’s abundant natural resources, saying they pollute the Earth and are the cause of climate change.
Earlier this year, the State College, Pa.-based company EC Power and Flux Power, a battery manufacturer based in San Diego, announced plans to build a lithium-ion battery factory in Philipsburg, Pa., potentially bringing 150 jobs to the region. Those batteries power the electric vehicles that environmentalists promise will save the Earth.
What the environmental left fails to grasp is there is no panacea. All solutions have a cost.
Read more at The Philadelphia Inquirer