The state government is ultimately held accountable to the people through the electoral process—but that should not be the only line of defense against government overreach or waste. Taxpayers deserve a transparent government that works for them. Reforms are needed to reduce corruption and limit the scope of government to its constitutional authority. Additionally, reforms that ensure a transparent budgeting process, a fair electoral process, and a streamlined regulatory process should be pursued to increase the government’s integrity.

Government Accountability

The Event Anti-Freedom Politicians Don’t Want You to Attend

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 27, 2010

I invited gubernatorial candidate Joe Hoeffel to share his views with CF supporters in a couple weeks…and to help us celebrate our Second Amendment rights. Now, he — along with others who…


Read More: The Event Anti-Freedom Politicians Don’t Want You to Attend

Government Accountability

Poll Shows Voters Support Pension Reform, I&R, and Spending Limits

  • April 20, 2010

HARRISBURG, PA – The Commonwealth Foundation today released results of a recently commissioned statewide poll measuring Pennsylvanians’ opinion of three landmark reforms.  The survey of 700 registered voters was conducted by…

Press Release

Read More: Poll Shows Voters Support Pension Reform, I&R, and Spending Limits

Government Accountability

What Would a PA Constitutional Convention Include?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2010

At the PA Leadership Conference, my former colleague, and now Executive Director of the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania, Joe Sterns touted the need for a state Constitutional Convention. In…


Read More: What Would a PA Constitutional Convention Include?

Government Accountability

PA Leadership Conference Wrap-Up

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 18, 2010

Here are some news stories and blogs from the PA Leadership Conference: William Cinfici’s blog: focusing on Dick Morris’s speech and the panels on polling and government corruption. John…


Read More: PA Leadership Conference Wrap-Up

Government Accountability

Live from PA Leadership Conference (#PALC)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 16, 2010

For those of you unable to attend the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference this year, most of the sessions will be carried live on PCN TV.  You can also listen…


Read More: Live from PA Leadership Conference (#PALC)

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Tax Day Tea Parties

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 8, 2010

We’ve been getting a lot of calls from folks who want to attend a tax day tea party. Tea Party Patriots has a good list of the events taking…


Read More: Pennsylvania Tax Day Tea Parties


Ten Tips to Balance the Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 8, 2010

Contrary to Gov. Rendell's rhetoric, there are a plethora of reforms and cuts that can balance the budget without taking more from the pockets of Pennsylvania taxpayers. Here are ten…


Read More: Ten Tips to Balance the Budget

Government Accountability

Rendell: Everyone Supports Higher Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 7, 2010

At his press conference announcing that the lawyers at the Federal Highway Administration were all less intelligent that his staff, based on their decision to reject I-80 tolls, Gov. Rendell…


Read More: Rendell: Everyone Supports Higher Taxes


Gov. Rendell Learned His Lesson

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 6, 2010

Last year, Gov. Rendell went on a bus tour across Pennsylvania, at taxpayer expense, to lobby for more education spending. Rendell was…


Read More: Gov. Rendell Learned His Lesson

Government Accountability

Four of Six PA Governor Candidates Favor State Constitutional Convention

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 5, 2010

At a forum for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates last week, Tom Corbett, Jack Wagner, Joe Hoeffel, and Dan Onorato all express some support for a state constitutional convention, at least…


Read More: Four of Six PA Governor Candidates Favor State Constitutional Convention

Government Accountability

In Defense of Political Anonymity

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 2, 2010

Former FEC Chief Bradley Smith has a good article in the winter issue of City Journal on the problems with campaign finance disclosure. Imagine if the George W.


Read More: In Defense of Political Anonymity

Government Accountability

CF Supports Dedicated Funding Stream and Individual Mandate

  • April 1, 2010

Harrisburg – Today, CF staff joined with state lawmakers to announce new legislation that would create a dedicated funding stream for the Commonwealth Foundation. The measure, HB 4110, creates an…

Press Release

Read More: CF Supports Dedicated Funding Stream and Individual Mandate

Government Accountability

Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Survey

  • March 30, 2010

The Commonwealth Foundation asked each of the candidates in the May primary for Pennsylvania Governor to answer a series of 20 questions about state economic and fiscal policy.  Answers…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Survey

Government Accountability

Fighting the Powerful Renewable Energy Lobby

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 29, 2010

Colorado residents are fighting back against the powerful renewable energy lobby via ballot initiative. The Western Tradition Partnership, a grassroots citizens group, said they would attack the renewables…


Read More: Fighting the Powerful Renewable Energy Lobby

Government Accountability

Evans Threatens to De-Fund PA Attorney General in Tiff

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 24, 2010

In a Democratic response to Attorney General Tom Corbett’s decision to join 13 other states in filing a lawsuit against the Obama health care legislation, House Appropriations Chairman Dwight Evans…


Read More: Evans Threatens to De-Fund PA Attorney General in Tiff

Government Accountability

Kanjorski Gets Sweetheart Deal for Geisinger Health

  • March 23, 2010

Like previous deals given to Senator Ben Nelson (Nebraska) and Mary Landrieu (Louisiana), Speaker Pelosi and President Obama offered reluctant House Democrats more favors in exchange for their support…


Read More: Kanjorski Gets Sweetheart Deal for Geisinger Health

Government Accountability

An Annual or Biennial Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 22, 2010

Cross Posted at The Triadvocate House Appropriations Chairman Dwight Evans (D-Philadelphia) argues that “a two-year budget is impractical in our modern world” and that the current annual budget cycle…


Read More: An Annual or Biennial Pennsylvania Budget?

Government Accountability

CF Blog Roundup

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 19, 2010

It’s time for another edition of the CF Policy Blog Roundup. Capitol Ideas keeps the link love coming by pointing to our post on the NTU’s rating of PA’s…


Read More: CF Blog Roundup

Government Accountability

The Case for a Part-Time Legislature

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2010

There is a direct link between our full-time legislature and our state economy.  A Commonwealth Foundation analysis shows a strong connection between legislative professionalization and higher spending per capita, a…


Read More: The Case for a Part-Time Legislature

Government Accountability

Sunshine Week…Time for Spending Transparency in PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 16, 2010

This week is Sunshine Week, created to promote open government and celebrate James Madison’s birthday (which is today, and an aside, he is my favorite founding father). Now would…


Read More: Sunshine Week…Time for Spending Transparency in PA

Government Accountability

When Will These Guys Learn?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 16, 2010

Pennsylvania Independent reports on two PA House contracts for voter lists, costing taxpayers over $225,000. Readers will recognize that this sounds quite a bit like the actions of former…


Read More: When Will These Guys Learn?