Education is the first stepping-stone on the path to success, but Pennsylvania students face severe inequality among public school districts. Thousands who can’t afford private school are trapped in failing schools or situations that aren’t the right fit. The solution to this crisis is school choice. By offering families options outside their zip code-assigned district schools, students are better able to find their path to success. Charter schools, tax credit scholarships, education savings accounts (ESAs), homeschooling, and other types of education choice must become a priority in Pennsylvania.


Willie and Penny Can’t Read

  • October 19, 2011

We'll call them Willie, Penny, Ben and Frankie, four public school students from Philadelphia, Reading, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, respectively.  If they don't drop out of school and become clients of…


Read More: Willie and Penny Can’t Read


School Choice Saves Kids, Taxpayers $4 Billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 19, 2011

Critics of expanding school choice in Pennsylvania often claim it will “cost too much” or drain precious resources. But in fact, school choice already saves Pennsylvania taxpayers more than $4…


Read More: School Choice Saves Kids, Taxpayers $4 Billion


Truth About Failing Schools is Scary

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 18, 2011

Today, the Commonwealth Foundation released an analysis updating violence statistics from failing public schools. These 141 schools with data available all rank in the bottom-5 percent based on…


Read More: Truth About Failing Schools is Scary


Analysis Finds Failing Public Schools Racked by Violence

  • October 18, 2011

The Commonwealth Foundation released today an alarming new analysis of school violence that uncovered more than 4,500 criminal acts occurred at the 141 public schools scoring worst in the…

Press Release

Read More: Analysis Finds Failing Public Schools Racked by Violence


Pennsylvania’s Failing, Violent Schools

  • October 18, 2011

Nearly 82,000 children are enrolled in the 141 public schools with available data on violence in Pennsylvania's lowest-performing 5 percent on student proficiency. These schools reported more than 4,500 violent…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Failing, Violent Schools


How Does Your Public School Stack up Against the World?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 11, 2011

The George W. Bush Institute has a new “Global Report Card” looking at test scores for each school district in the United States against students around the world…


Read More: How Does Your Public School Stack up Against the World?


Charter School Funding in Pennsylvania

  • October 10, 2011

Many school districts and other advocates complain about the charter school funding mechanism, arguing that it "drains funding" from school districts.  This charge must be considered in the context of…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Charter School Funding in Pennsylvania


The Learning Revolution

  • Nathan Benefield, Priya Brannick
  • October 10, 2011

Online learning serves a significant and growing number of students, and represents a significant shift in how we educate Pennsylvania's children.  In light of the growth of cyber and hybrid…


Read More: The Learning Revolution


Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyists’ Survey Contradicts Real Polls

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 6, 2011

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association has released a new “survey” claiming that state residents oppose plans to provide vouchers to students. The PSBA’s funding comes from taxpayers through school…


Read More: Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyists’ Survey Contradicts Real Polls


Lawmakers Can Save Students in Duquesne

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 5, 2011

Jake Haulk at the Allegheny Institute points out that Duquesne City School District spends almost $20,000 per student every year (state average is about $14,000). But less than…


Read More: Lawmakers Can Save Students in Duquesne


Academic Achievement Stagnates

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 4, 2011

Pennsylvania students are not making much academic progress according to 2011 PSSA test results. The Patriot-News reports small gains were not enough to keep some central Pennsylvania school districts…


Read More: Academic Achievement Stagnates


Pennsylvania’s Public Universities Have Indigestion

  • Charles Mitchell
  • September 27, 2011

If you ask them, they'll say they're hurting because budget-slashing Gov. Tom Corbett just forced something nasty down their throats—namely cuts to the subsidies they receive from Keystone State taxpayers. …


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Public Universities Have Indigestion


SAT Scores by State, 2011

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 19, 2011

EDITORS NOTE: Click here for the 2014 SAT Scores by state Every year, the College Board puts out SAT scores by state, but only in PDF format.  Since…


Read More: SAT Scores by State, 2011


Teacher Qualifications vs. Teacher Effectiveness

  • Priya Brannick
  • September 16, 2011

Teachers are an important factor affecting student performance, and teacher salaries make up the biggest chunk of public school spending. So ensuring that the best teachers instruct our kids should…


Read More: Teacher Qualifications vs. Teacher Effectiveness


Tax Credit Scholarships Shown to Improve Student Performance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 7, 2011

A new study of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship—which provides tax credits for businesses donating to organizations offering scholarships to K-12 students, similar to Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax—finds academic…


Read More: Tax Credit Scholarships Shown to Improve Student Performance


What Do France, Hungary and Pennsylvania Have in Common?

  • Priya Brannick
  • August 30, 2011

A Hungarian, a Frenchman and a Pennsylvanian walk into a bar…okay, so they may not have the same tastes in beer, but turns out they would have the same ability…


Read More: What Do France, Hungary and Pennsylvania Have in Common?


Teacher Strikes

  • August 26, 2011

Good afternoon, my name is Pearre Dean and I am Deputy Director of Public Affairs at the Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania’s free-market think tank that crafts free-market policies, convinces Pennsylvanians of…


Read More: Teacher Strikes


The Real Crime in Philadelphia’s School District

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 24, 2011

Last year, we blogged on the hefty $65,000 bonus Philadelphia’s Superintendent Arlene Ackerman collected. Her annual base salary, $348,140, was higher than what superintendents collect in New York City,…


Read More: The Real Crime in Philadelphia’s School District


Green Light More Education Tax Credits

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • August 24, 2011

Would you ever give a green light or a hard-earned nickel to a business model that showed it was going to hire more staff to service fewer customers by doubling…


Read More: Green Light More Education Tax Credits


Texas vs. Pennsylvania on Educational Performance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2011

At a hearing yesterday on right-to-work legislation, a number of testifiers remarked on the substantially greater job growth in right-to-work states, on the fact residents are moving from…


Read More: Texas vs. Pennsylvania on Educational Performance