Year of School Choice…and Beyond
The Alliance for School Choice released its latest School Choice Yearbook highlighting the developments in school choice in 2011, as well as each of the programs in the United States.
The report also features an “Accountability Checklist,” comparing the various provisions in choice programs, and “Growth & Expansion,” illustrating the growing number of programs and students being served.
Already, the yearbook could use some updates from recent news, such as:
- An amazing 93 percent of parents expressed satisfaction with the Louisiana voucher program.
- A judge in Indiana upheld the constitutionality of the state’s new voucher program—the most expansive voucher program in the nation—against a lawsuit from government employees’ unions.
- An Arizona judge affirmed the constitutionality of that state’s Educational Savings Accounts, the first such program. (For more on Educational Savings Accounts, click here).
With a proven record of success, and increasing parental demand, the future of school choice looks bright for 2012 and beyond.